~Last updated September 6, 2024~

Fuzzibutt’s Rabbitry and Caviary welcomes you! Our private show and hobby rabbitry and caviary is situated in Delaware, known as the first state. We are proud members of various local, state, regional, and national clubs dedicated to rabbits and cavies. We raise nationally competitive rabbits and cavy’s aka Guinea Pigs, in Delaware.  

We concentrate primarily on promoting the Coronet and Giant Angora, although we sometimes breed and exhibit other breeds, such as Flemish Giants in Black and Blue, Lionheads, American, American Satins, Coronets, Peruvians, Peruvian Satins, Silkies and Silkie Satins. We are renowned nationwide and globally for our exceptional Coronets and Giant Angoras. Our reputation is built on breeding high-quality Giant Angoras and Coronet guinea pigs. Our goal is to maintain a low number of animals to focus on exhibiting the finest specimens of our chosen breeds.

We have strict standards for selecting rabbits and cavies for show, and even stricter standards for finding great homes that include fiber, pet and retirement options. We take our time evaluating each animal’s potential as a show or brood animal. At our small rabbitry and caviary, we give all our critters personalized attention multiple times a day. This includes treats like carrots or apples at night, which our rabbits and cavies love.

Breeding rabbits and cavies requires a combination of skill and scientific knowledge, including understanding which combinations will result in the correct body type, size, and coat/wool. To further our bloodlines, we study pedigrees, body types, and coat/wool quality factors like texture and density, while also looking for the next star to show. This is where the joy of breeding and exhibiting comes into play.

Excellence is what drives us; whether in the nest box or on the show table, our goal remains the same: to have the best rabbits and cavies recognized on a national level.

To prioritize the wellbeing of our rabbits and cavies, Fuzzibutt’s Rabbitry and Caviary remains a closed facility, which means no visitors.

Our cavy breeds:

Americans, American Satins, Coronets, Peruvians, Peruvian Satin, Silkie and Silkie Satins

Our rabbit breeds:

Flemish Giants, Giant Angoras and Lionheads

Please follow us on social media:

 Instagram: @fuzzibuttsrabbitryand     

 Facebook Page at  https://www.facebook.com/Fuzzibtts/

To see our old blog here is the link  Fuzzibutt's Rabbitry: January 2012 (fuzzibuttsrabbitry.blogspot.com)

We are making plans to attend the following shows:


This autumn, I anticipate being able to attend local shows intermittently. 

October 26-30, 2024, The 101st ARBA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. *Due to being a full-time caregiver I am NOT personally able to attend Convention this year as planned. However, I have a few friends that are planning to attend and are willing to offer transport if you are interested in any of our stock. 

Angora Nationals (NARBC) National Specialty
April 18-19, 2025, inconjunction with the Rabbit Renegades Rabbit Club in Decatur, IL

National Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders
National Specialty Show

 ACBA National show in Salem, Oregon

102nd ARBA Convention in Indianaoplis, Indiana

Contact us today

 Please note we prefer to do everything via email. Please feel free to reach out to us fuzzibuttsrabbitryandcaviary@gmail.com

  We have rabbits and cavies living in Canada, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, as well as the United States.